Life in the slow lane



Rainy days in July. Love it. Wish it would cool down as well.


Patience. Water energy. Rain energy. Celebrating the Winter. Spirals. Protection. Letting go of deadlines. Letting life pass you by. Sensuality.

Some interesting ideas about the snail on this page: Wildspeak


Baby blanket donation

lb12Why not combine your hobby with a good cause? I finished knitting the first baby blanket that will go to our local food  bank as donation for a parent in need. It is plain knit with 4 different and hopefully neutral colours – light green, yellow, lilac and grey.

The yarn is 100% acrylic and double knit from our local haberdashery shop (support local). Needle used is 5mm, round. It says 4mm for the yarn, but I thought 5mm would get a quicker result 🙂 and leave the blanket with bigger loops making it more breathable. Cast on 120 and the blanket is in total 26inch x 27inch.

This blanket has taught me patience as I am usually working on smaller items that are finished quickly. Instant gratification 😉. This blanket took time and I think is so far my biggest project ever finished. WOO HOO!

Check in your local area who might needs a little help. Baby clothes, blankets for care homes, hats for the elderly … If you keep it local then you don’t have the costs of post and package to deal with but can use the money to invest in more yarn.

Give back if you can in whatever way you can. Karma baby 😉.



Flowers for Yarndale

My first trial for a crochet flower in aid of raising money and awareness for Alzheimers Society. Please see link for further details:

I used the following instruction: but added another row of petals underneath to reach the required 8-10cm.


Since then they have been multiplying slowly but surely. Yes, I know it is the same pattern all the time, but I am able to switch off and just go with the flow rather than having to focus and concentrate to much. I repeat until I get bored of it before, then change to a different style. It turns into a meditative practice, just letting go 🙂.



Been a good girl and attached the safety pins to the flowers that they asked for.


Twitching eye but have to admit that I thought I made more by now. Doesn’t look like much 😦. Every flower has got a safety pin sewn to the back as requested.


Sunday afternoon

Relaxing activity on a stormy Sunday. Colouring with our daughter using art therapy found at WH Smith. There is also a page in each magazine for relaxation, meditation, mindfulness …


It is hard work to keep the mind focused on the present for a prolonged period of time without it wandering off to create weird and wacky stories. Practice makes improvement 🙂.



book29Image: Google

WOW! Now here is a project for the future. Considering that I am a crochet beginner I guess this will be in the far, far future 🙂.

Mandalas are a concept I only just started to pay attention to in my quest for a practice of gratitude and mindfulness. There is the colour in variation and of course creating your own mandala, but I have not reached that point yet. Crocheting is just another option of a meditative practice.


Mandalas, What  Are They?

The word Mandala (pronunciation mon- dah- lah) means “circle”.  A Mandala represents wholeness, a cosmic diagram reminding us of our relation to infinity, extending beyond and within our bodies and minds.

The mandala appears to us in all aspects of life, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and more obviously the circles of life encompassing friends, family and communities.Mandalas are circular designs symbolizing the notion that life is never ending. Many mandalas have spiritual significance to an individual or group of individuals. The Hindus were one of the first people to use a mandala as a spiritual tool, but the mandalas most individuals are familiar with, are ones made by Buddhists.

Mandalas are used for meditation purposes allowing the individual meditating to become one with the universe. There are not many who are able to achieve this state of mind from just studying a mandala. The symbolism behind the creation of a mandala can have significant meaning for many individuals whether they are Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Pagan or of any other religious orientation.


Lil Ms Knitten

I went to the local library with my little daughter and we found the following book.


Cute enough to buy it now used from Amazon 🙂.


We did a little shopping at hobby craft and got her the first pair of knitting needles. We went for the kids version as they are plastic.


While she is learning the basic knit stitch I got slightly carried away with my first Lil Ms Knitten 🙂. Working on the feet…


… trousers, jumper…


… and TADA.

I added nose and mouth …


… a little bow …


… and a tail which are not part of the pattern in the book.


My first Lil Ms Knitten. A new one in my Lil Misfits collection 😀.


Our daughter was not feeling well having a bit of a cold, blocked nose and a cough. Feeling sorry for herself she asked if Ms Knitten could look after her over night as her teddy is not ready yet. Of course you can.

Thinking about it I took it another step further today not just adding some knitted parts, but gave Ms Knitten a job. I knitted a little bag and placed a small peace of fluorite and a piece of cotton wool with Olbas oil in her back.


Safely tucked away in the bag held together with a press stud. Our daughter is 8 so I trust her to leave it in there. Good night little one and good night Lil Ms Knitten 🙂.


Fluorite: … It is beneficial for colds, flu and sinusitis. Judy Hall/ The Crystal Bible/ p. 130