Glastonbury trip

Trip to Glastonbury today and this image was hanging in the goddess shop. Absolutely stunning but the mobile was unable to catch it’s beauty. It is very big and at £795 not really in my price range. I asked for a smaller print but what are the odds that the do not have one for this picture. I was very sad about that, but nothing can be done about it.

 photo b3_zpsxqhixais.jpgI settled for a smaller card instead. You can see white feathers which of course are on indication for angels, but lets face it, the card is Bridie from the Goddess of the Wheel collection 2015. I am not picky.
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No I don’t

Explained before, but I hope I get the point across. So here another write up.

Do I believe in angels?
I am working through a course and the question came up if you have to believe in angels to ask them for help. I find this a tricky one because I don’t think somebody would ask for their help in the first place if they did not believe. To answer the question, I don’t think you have to believe in order to ask for help. It is like reiki. It works if you believe in it or not. Crystals work if you feel their energy or not…

So, do I believe in angels? No, I do NOT believe in angels in the traditional, big winged … beings. I simply look at them as another form of energy. Energy is to abstract so I kept given angel imagery to give that type of energy shape making it tangible. I did not choose those images but they keep popping up. So I am telling myself that I am working with energy that is wrapped in the form of angel shapes. I hope this makes sense.

I have the block because I am not Christian and seem to fight the concept of angles, but if I give it the shape of fairies … I have fewer results than working with the image of angels in my mind.

Don’t use any imagery you say. Well, I seem to be unsure in how to do that. It needs to be visible for me as a reminder, and I think to make sure that I am working with the energy/ frequency … that I am suppose to tap into. If I don’t then I seem to lose that connection to the energy/ frequency that is calling me and I am not getting anywhere. Like talking to yourself. Running on the spot….

There is NOTHING wrong with believing in angels in the traditional sense. i am just trying to say that it is not my thing.

How can angels help

How can you angels help you?
By formulating your thought and therefore bringing it into the Universal knowledge and see coincidences start to happen.

For example:
This week we have noticed our gutter has started to leak, and as we have got a three storey house we will need somebody to fix it for us. Who to turn too? I contacted a handy man we know to see if he can recommend anybody. No such luck but he said to check the noticeboard on facebook as he has seen an entry not long ago. Hm!
I then put the thought out there. I like to do this silently in my head, but you can also do it out loud. Please send a handyman across my path who can fix our gutter while taking Bella for a walk.
Towards the end of our walk I noticed a van parked in one of the roads. I would not have paid attention to it, but the dog inside kicked off. I read what it said and it was more garden… maintenance. So I approached him and asked. Yes, I can maybe fix it depending on if I can reach it with two ladders.

Can he fix it? Not sure and not so much the point. I send the thought out there and I had results the same day (doesn’t always work or not that quick). I have not seen the gentleman or van around before so he was put on my path because I asked for help. This is what I believe.
The same happens when I need a parking space. Hubby tells me now all the time to put it out there 🙂. It works many times, but NOT all the time.

Send it out there but don’t use negation. The universe does not pay attention to that e.g. I DON’T want rain. Guess what you get. Rain. Instead ask for sunshine. Well, this is maybe a bad example, but you get it.

I also mentioned at one point to keep it realistic. If you say: I want to win the lottery – consider how slim your chances are to actually win it. Just because you are asking the angels for support probably will not heighten your chances.
It is the same when working with the moon. Setting New Moon intentions requires to stay realistic and grounded. How fast will you lose faith if nothing will work out for you that you ask for? And sometimes/ often you don’t get what you ask for because the Universe has something better planned for you. Just because we want something does not mean we need it. Keep it real!


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Today’s message. Maybe a walk to clear the mind and lift the spirits. Who knows, you might get some signs.
Deck: Angel Secrets Cards by Jacky Newcomer
I have to admit that these type of cards speak to me more than Doreen Virtues angel images. But, unfortunately her messages are sometimes clearer to me.


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Example this morning at the breakfast table. The jewellery shop gave me a brochure and I decided this morning to flick through. Nothing to write home about but I stopped on page 28 because the word Angel sticks out for me in a magazine where I would not expect it. Of all the descriptions they could have used they went for ANGEL.
This is how I decided a few years ago that this must be the explanation for me seeing 11:11 all the time. There are many different explanations for it, but this was the only one that made sense. And recurring images of angels, word angel, songs about angel … added to my suspicions 🙂.


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It is time to set yourself some goals for your path ahead. Maybe instead of looking without, it is time to look within. How about setting yourself spiritual goals that you would like to accomplish or even just making a start on your spiritual journey could be a goal. Looking after yourself should be your priority.


It is not selfish to
love yourself,
take care of yourself,
and make your happiness a priority …
It is necessary.
Author unknown

Deck: Self-Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson

A gift

“The spiritual world is not at the behest of our desires and intentions. Quite the contrary: it is always a gift: not a generic gift, but a gift given by a specific giver, a spiritual being. For the spiritual world is a world of beings–from the highest angelic hierarchies to the so-called dead. Spiritual knowing is not something we can take. It must be received. Therefore, to approach such knowing-receiving, we must silence our desires, purposes, and intentions and present ourselves in devoted, expectant, sensitive waiting. Whatever comes originates in the spiritual world, not in us.”

Christopher Bamford, Introduction to Inner Reading and Inner Hearing, by Rudolf Steiner

Let go of preconception

A concept that I am still struggling with as I am not a Christian. Yet, angels can be found in many cultures and you don’t have to be religious to work with angels.

I hardly ever buy these magazines as I find them a bit tacky, but this one had a nice deck of cards again to go with it. I am a sucker for cards. Well, I don’t collect shoes so it is OK. That is my excuse and I stick with it 😀.

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